Judgments based on disobedience (non-compliance) and due to absence in contested procedure according to legislation of Kosovo


  • Rrustem Qehaja University of Prishtina
  • Bashkim Preteni Europen College ‘’Juridica”


Civil Procedure, Contested civil procedure, Judgment based on disobedience (noncompliance), Judgment due to absence, Law for Contested Procedure in the Republic of Kosovo


This paper analyses judgments of disobedience (non-compliance) and due to abstence in contested procedure according to the legislation in Kosovo. The authors in this paper, a special importance have given to the legal regulation of these judgments, the differences and similarities between them, exception from taking these judgments, and specifications for the exercise of remedies against these judgments. These categories will be discussed also based to the legal practice and legal doctrine.


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Biografia do Autor

Rrustem Qehaja, University of Prishtina

Professor of Civil Procedural Law at University of Prishtina. PhD.

Bashkim Preteni, Europen College ‘’Juridica”

PhD Student. Lecture of Civil Law and Commercial Law at Europen College ‘’Juridica”.




Como Citar

QEHAJA, Rrustem; PRETENI, Bashkim. Judgments based on disobedience (non-compliance) and due to absence in contested procedure according to legislation of Kosovo. Civil Procedure Review, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 3–19, 2014. Disponível em: https://civilprocedurereview.faculdadebaianadedireito.com.br/revista/article/view/63. Acesso em: 12 mar. 2025.


